oh hyyeeeeeee. pengakap pengakap pengakap
best kot jadi scout.. hehe jadilah scout ye.
so hari tuu 8/2-11/2 pergi camp dekat tempat biasa which is KCB. o yeah, dah lama x jumpa geng scout dari smk bandar baru sentul tu. handsome and hot guys kkkkkk :) then as usual my fav boy dtg lambat which is hari sabtu. i was so happy cause i got to meet him after so long. then, i xpected that he like will be treating me how he use too. but suddenly, aku dapat tahu yg dia dah ada gf. gf dia pulak join camp tu. and the most stupid thing is that gf di form 1. mcm perghh, geram wei. kalau kau dah ada gf asal kau still layan aku. and aku merupakan facilitator di stu, mmg aku lyn awek dia teruk teruk ah kan. hehe sorry tasya (if m not mistaken). and then aku x layan 'him' sampai habis camp... aku lyn 'bestie' dia. mesti kau sakt hati kan. mcm tu lah aku rasa masa aku dpt tahu ttg gf kau. kay the end................... xoxo
ehem.. sorry sengaja je try camera toshiba. thank u :* |